Sunday, May 20, 2012

Changes, Always with the Changes

A single, bare, swinging light bulb.

A small room of dark, dank concrete walls that smells of mold and other, less pleasant, odors.

A surly, mustached-man in a sweat-stained uniform wielding an intimidating nightstick.

A metal table that rings with exaggerated severity as he alternately pounds it with a fist or aforementioned nightstick.

"Tells us!" He maniacally screams before his voice suddenly and threateningly lowers to a more guttural growl,  "Tell us...NOW!"

Well, this particular thing has never happened to me (yet), but if I were to ever find myself in some crazy situation where a madman forced me to describe my life here with one simple, but over-used and worn-out phrase, I think (between my sobs of fear) I'd choke out the well-exhausted "It never gets boring."

And how.

Now, dear friends and family (of which there are possibly a good 8-10 of you that ever even occasionally glance this way), please do not misunderstand me as comparing you with said surly interrogator when I confess to you all that actually the never-getting-boring is a good deal of the reason why I have so rarely found (made?) time to keep you apprised of my daily goings-on.

I'm still working out how to strike any kind of balance.  You see, there are times that something happens and I think, "I must let everyone know about this!"  However, that is all too often followed by an event that entirely eclipses it, or the saddening realization that it is something that would be better left out of the glaring publicity that is the internet.  So, too many times, I opt to post about the somewhat amusing, yet mundane in my life, or (far more often) to forego sharing anything altogether.  Like many, much more talented individuals before me, I usually choose to highlight whatever humor can be found instead of getting bogged down in the difficulties.  However, that is not to say that they don't exist.

Actually, for some friends that are quite dear to me, the scenario I described above is decidedly more possible than it is for myself (minus the mustache and the cliche).  I hope that as you think of me, you'll also remember them.  When I complain about my suffering (usually in regard to not having a higher beef/cheese/milk - any cow product, really - dietary intake), I'm ashamed to remember the very real issues they face.

I won't go into too many details here, but suffice it to say that many of my students face deep personal choices that are causing them to struggle with things I can't even begin to imagine facing.

Interestingly enough, the day I began typing this (nearly a week ago), I was given some news of even more changes that are coming that will have an impact on my life here.  So, the rest of the week has been...err, the new "normal" has been taking everything in stride and just waiting to see what comes next.  All that to say, I'd certainly appreciate any positive thoughts you're willing to send regarding wisdom for us (I'm including other teachers in that request), and peaceful hearts and minds for our students.

I'll also take advice on deterring surly, mustached men if you've got any.  You know, just in case.

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